Introductory session

If you are contemplating working together but you are not so sure whether it would work, that’s fine.

I’d also like to know if I can be a good support to you before we commit to working together.

That is why I offer a free 30 min online talk.

What this is about:

  • We meet online;

  • We introduce ourselves;

  • I hear a little bit about your situation;

  • You hear a little bit about how I see it and how I could support you.

If I feel I can help, I will direct you towards a session bundle in my offer (or I might create a special one for you).

If I feel I can’t help, I will do my best to direct you to people who could.

Ultimately, the decision stays with you.

To sign up for an introductory session, please fill in the form.

Make sure you include an indication of your availability.

I will come back to you in max 48 hours with the details of our encounter:

  • date/time

  • connection details.

Thank you!