Conscious Relating Coach - Radha Alina Ionescu

“Life is too precious to spend it in lukewarm relationships”.


When it comes to love and relationships,

some of us just want it all

Not just a lukewarm relationship so many people around us seem to settle for.

Neither the endless swiping left and right, which only leads to shallow flings.

But real, truly connected and constantly deepening love and intimacy.

Books and eye-glasses

So much so that we took it upon us to learn a thing or two about love:

* Maybe we’ve discovered that men are from Mars and women from Venus,

* Or that we all have different love languages and that this sometimes creates trouble,

* Or maybe we resonate with Brené Brown’s words on vulnerability and we brought them into our life,

* We might have even gotten ourselves into life coaching or therapy.

In general we got it that, to have the love we want in our life, some learning is needed and that

this learning is not so much about figuring out the other person

as it is about figuring out ourselves.

All great, but...

Self-reflective young woman

…The struggle comes when all that learning only brings limited progress

A little bit more connection, a little bit more easiness, a little bit less confusion, yes.

(It could be even that our friendships or work relationships improve.)

Yet, in the big picture, we still end up in unsatisfying love situations, struggling in our dating or in our relationships.

Dear friend,

If this sounds a lot like you, chances are that you will find this space useful.

Conscious Relating Coach - Radha Alina Ionescu

Hi, I am Radha

And I support people who, despite having done work towards love and intimacy, still find it hard to make it happen.

There was a time in my life when, after some years of working on myself in an attempt to create the love relationship I wanted, I was still ending up with unavailable men, still in heartache.

By that time, I had quite a grip on the Non-Violent Communication ( think of it as “the language of vulnerability”), had worked on my feminine energy and was labouring hard at “loving myself”.

It felt pretty hopeless… What else could I do?!

And I was noticing that other people, also working on their love (and life) skills, were experiencing the same kind of frustration.

I could feel something was missing but didn’t know what.

Fortunately, a point came when I could see that this approach was limited and a new perspective opened up:

Yes, working on our relationship skills is a good idea. However a deeper and more precise look is needed.

There are reasons why we can’t be vulnerable or can’t love ourselves, why we become overly attached to someone or, on the contrary, afraid to come close in intimacy.

These reasons lie deep inside ourselves, and that’s where we need to go.

This is what I did for myself and this is what I share now in my work. If this sounds good to you, feel welcome to look around.

Where to from here?

Feel free to roam around the website as you like. However, if you are looking for direction, here is my recommendation:

  • Illustration loving couple


    It is all about what I mean when I say “we need to go deeper” and “let’s look at the root causes”.

  • Illustration cup of tea being offered

    2. MY BLOG

    In my blog articles, I do my best to exemplify my “roadmap to love” with real life situations.

  • Illustration two hearts connected


    Start changing your love life with sessions tailored for: Dating, After a Break-Up, In a Relationship

Session bundles for you

  • Young couple on a date


    For anybody who is dating with the intention of creating a truly connected relationship but keeps on ending up in similar, unsatisfactory situations again and again.

  • Break-up - lonely man on a beach


    For those who want to learn from a past relationship (or several) so that they move forward with the confidence that they can create the love they want.

  • Troubles couple not talking with each other


    For anyone who sees their relationship sliding more and more into conflict, isolation or boredom and feels hopeless that, despite their efforts, things are not getting better.

Couple looking lovingly at each other
Relationship Coach - Radha Alina Ionescu

Every three weeks or so, I send my


It is meant to nourish one’s skills to create love and intimacy by going deeper inside oneself, with insights, book recommendations, webinar announcements.

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