“Lonely Together”
Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu

“Lonely Together”

Many, many years ago, when I was out in a club with my boyfriend of back then and with friends, a song started and the lyrics “Where Is The Love?” were coming in a loop. 

I remember my heart sank and I suddenly realised that that had been my question for some time. 

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Dating under The Influence of Our Abandonment Wound
Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu

Dating under The Influence of Our Abandonment Wound

[…] something that is at work but more hidden is this: while we long for connection, at the same time we have a strong expectation NOT to get it, to be disappointed (the way we were disappointed as children and afterwards a few times as adults). We use each disappointment to cement our deep belief that nourishing connection is not in store for us. And then we move on to the next relationship and… you know how it goes with self-fulfilling prophecies.

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When We Are “The Ones Who Love More”
Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu

When We Are “The Ones Who Love More”

… deep inside I am also one who always believed that deep connection, love, intimacy, vibrancy are possible, so one question kept burning inside me: 

“how can you love, truly love, and still be loved?” ... 

And eventually, the truth found me. Since then it became more and more clear that this is a big key to true, deeply connected, deeply intimate relationship.

So I’d love to share it with you...

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I Couldn’t Set Boundaries Because…
Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu Relationships, Dating Alina Ionescu

I Couldn’t Set Boundaries Because…

“Now, I will stop pleasing people and I will learn to have boundaries – saying “no” when things are uncomfortable or not what I wanted.”

I wish I could say this moment was a game changer for me. Wouldn’t that make for a wonderful story?!

But it wasn’t like this.

It is one thing to know that you need boundaries and a totally another thing to actually bring them home.

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Boundaries in Dating - what they are and why they matter
Dating Alina Ionescu Dating Alina Ionescu

Boundaries in Dating - what they are and why they matter

When the man I was seeing many years ago was setting a tentative date (“maybe we see each other this weekend”), was afterwards not firming it up and then later was showing up with a short notice proposal - “how about dinner in 1 h?”, I was going.

Some would say… when you love a lot, things like this happen.

Me looking back, with all I know today, I can see this: I didn’t have boundaries.

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Why Some Relationships Never Happen
Dating Alina Ionescu Dating Alina Ionescu

Why Some Relationships Never Happen

If we pay close attention, we notice that, while in the beginning we’re both more or less equally interested in being together, at some point one begins to drift away. At the same time, the other becomes even more invested in being together, in getting closer.

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